Even when things are going well and we feel free from stress, stress can hit at any time. The fact is, stress is unavoidable. The good news is, we all have the capacity to reduce our stress responses when we listen to our bodies and take good care of ourselves. 

What Is Stress?

Your body has a built-in stress response system that is constantly on the lookout for danger. This system is important in moments when your safety is at risk, however, problems can arise when your body can’t differentiate between real and perceived survival threats. 

Some of the more uncomfortable symptoms you may have noticed when experiencing stress are shortness of breath, increased heart rate, muscle tension, irritability or loss of motivation. When stress goes untreated it can lead to even more harmful long-term symptoms such as anxiety, depression, heart disease and chronic pain. Stress can also impact your immune system in a number of ways such as increasing your risk for infectious illnesses such as influenza and the common cold.

Types Of Stress

There are three main types of stress. 

Acute Stress

Acute stress is short-term; it happens when your body reacts to a single stressor such as a traffic jam, an argument with your spouse or even something traumatic like a car accident. 

Episodic Acute Stress

Episodic acute stress occurs when there are frequent experiences of acute stress. This may occur when you have a tight deadline at work or are experiencing ongoing issues in your relationship, leaving you to feel like you are constantly under pressure. 

Chronic Stress

Chronic stress occurs when there is consistent exposure to stressors over long periods of time. 

5 Natural Stress Relievers For A Healthy Mind & Body

Stress is not entirely avoidable – after all, it really is your body’s way of trying to keep you safe. However, that does not mean you can’t relieve yourself of stress or prevent it from overwhelming you in the future. 

Start thinking now about how you can make time in your schedule for stress relieving activities and don’t be afraid to adjust your schedule according to your self-care needs. 

Disclaimer: We all experience stress differently and therefore have unique needs when it comes to stress relief. 

Here are 5 ways you can start relieving your stress today: 

Listen To Your Body

When it comes to stress relief, it is important to understand your body and what it needs. People who are more in touch with their physical state are better able to adapt to stress. You can build your awareness in a number of ways including: identifying your stress triggers, practicing mindfulness and checking in with your body. You can start to check in with your body by simply closing your eyes and asking yourself, where do I feel stress in my body right now? and what emotions are connected to my stress? 

Physical Activity

Movement has a variety of positive impacts on your mind and body including stress relief. And no, you don’t have to run marathons or pump weights in the gym to get stress-relieving effects – unless you enjoy those activities. Walking, soccer, tennis, and yoga are all excellent examples of stress relieving movement. Finding activities you enjoy will help you to engage in those activities more frequently, so take this as a sign to start seeking your favourite ways to move your body now! 

Take Care Of Yourself

Self-care doesn’t look the same for everyone but it is important to include as part of your schedule if you want to prevent stress. Self-care can look like getting enough sleep, taking breaks when you need them, and taking COLD-FX® Immune Plus to protect your immune system. Self-care can also include things like massage, acupressure, meditation, listening to music and journaling. Ultimately, it is important to ask yourself: What does self-care look like for me? Know that what works for others may not work for you. You know your body best.

Spend Time With Your Friends & Family

Prioritizing quality time with safe and supportive people is an excellent way to receive emotional support and manage stress. We are social creatures that require connection and belonging – so this one is non-negotiable. 

Ask For Help

Asking for help can be achieved in a number of ways, whether that means seeking emotional support and advice from loved ones or delegating tasks in the workplace when your workload is too heavy. Meeting with a counsellor is another excellent place to seek support and to continue working on stress relief. 

Final Thoughts

Don’t forget to be kind and patient with yourself in your pursuit of stress relief. Stress relief is a lifelong process that will continue to change as you do.